This Wax or That Wax. Which One is Better?
There have been many opinions about the kind of wax that candles are made from. We are here to give ours while giving some informative facts in the process. Ready, set, goooooo!!
When we first started our business, it was strictly candles. While making the decision on which wax to use, we wanted to make sure that it was as natural as possible. We can't tout our au' natural horn if we had chosen a wax that was harmful to our customers. Paraffin wax was the culprit.
Soy wax has had its share of controversy. Soy is a vegan wax, but was not popular due to the GMO factor. (Genetically Modified Organisms). This caused concern when soy wax was added to the list as a main ingredient in candle wax. Soy has no physical harm to the body when being used in candles. When this wax is burned, it does NOT have any carcinogens (cancer causing agents). Soy wax is actually one of the cleanest waxes to burn.
Paraffin Wax is known for causing health issues. This wax is made from processing gasoline. So imagine burning gasoline in your home. Paraffin wax, when being burned in a candle, emits dangerous chemicals like toulene and benzene. This wax also gives off a dangerous soot that can cause damage to your home.
Before the pandemic, manufacturers were adding paraffin wax into the coconut wax blend without telling the bulk sellers. Now that sellers have been notified, we are now informed on which ones contain paraffin. Although it is claimed to be food grade paraffin, we have decided against it. This made it 100 times easier for us to decide to use a coconut, soy, and beeswax blend for our candles. No toxic chemicals, no additives, no paraffins. Just a good natural wax. Also, the added beeswax in the candle aids in purifying the air we breathe.
Finding out these facts, allowed us to make the decision to exclude paraffin wax from our candles. This allows us to maintain our all-natural candles, keeping everyone's health in mind. Making sure that we provide the best products and service while leaving one less thing for you to worry about is what we strive to do.