Extending The Olive Branch

Extending The Olive Branch

  Olive Oil has been a key ingredient for beauty since before the times of ancient Greece. Dated all the way back to 5000 B.C. All of the characteristics offered using this common oil is said to have its benefits. From the richness of vitamin E, to the reduction of inflammation, it is definitely an one to keep in your home. These are some of the reasons that we use it as a staple in our products.
  Vitamin E is the winner in this wonderful oil. It is said that it offers antioxidant properties that can protect you from certian free radicals. It also provides reduced scarring and promotes healing. All of the vitamin E in Olive Oil can offer a great skin care regimen
We love blending herbs with this oil as an ingredient in our soaps, lip balms, and salves. 
  Monounsaturated fatty acid is also an important ingredient in Olive Oil. It is said that this fat can help lower your LDL "bad cholesterol" and raise your HDL "good cholesterol" with the help of oliec and palmitoleic acids.
  Olive Oil has so much to offer everyone who chooses to use it. In our opinion, this is the number one ingredient for cooking (not frying), topical use, infusions, and so much more. No wonder this oil has lasted through the ages.
  When purchasing Olive Oil, we make sure that the oil is sealed in a dark container that allows little to no light. This helps keep these wonderful properties to remain in the oil. We always make sure that our products are made with the same love that you have when using them. From our heart to yours.
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